
日期:2019/8/23 年级:高一
试题详情 A modern city has been set up in_______was wasteland ten years ago.A. what      
试题详情 ________ has been done to develop the habit of reading aloud in the morning, his
试题详情 ________ is the centre of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp
试题详情 It is far better for one to drink milk, ________ one gets health nutrients, than
试题详情 It is important that parents know of any situation ________ can be of great sign
试题详情 When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the shop
试题详情 It was with deep sadness that the House of Chanel announced the passing of Karl
试题详情 Who ________ for the US government shutdown after President Donald Trump and the
试题详情 If he had a real talent for painting, a painter he should be; if not, he must ta
试题详情 The beast said that the made a promise ________ anyone released him from the cag
试题详情 She liked the souvenir of “Mozart L’Opera Rock” so much that she would like to t
试题详情 Such tourists ________ have visited Shanghai all think that a visit to Shanghai
试题详情 The shabby house collapsed ________ the soldier could help the old woman out.A.w
试题详情 Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words give