
日期:2019/5/7 年级:初一
试题详情 Li Ruyan, 13 and his classmates in Shanghai did something special last summer
试题详情 ─ There      two football matches in the sports centre next week. —Great!A.is go
试题详情 My mother wants me to be    office worker, but I would like to be a volunteer to
试题详情 一What are your neighbours like? 一__________A.They are like my friends.B.They are
试题详情 The girl goes jogging      fit every day.A.to keepB.keepingC.keepD.keeps
试题详情 ─ Would you please find      to tell us?  ─ All right.A.something interestingB.i
试题详情 假设你住在阳光社区,并且是社区负责人之一。你想写一则通知,告诉居民你们组织了一个互助俱乐部,想帮助那些需要帮助的人。依据以下信息,完成短文,做适当补充,开头和结
试题详情 ─Which dress do you like best,Madam?   ─Sorry, I can't decide          now.A.to
试题详情 Mum,my mobile phone is________.I want to buy a new_______.A.broken;itB.broke;one
试题详情 一What do you often do in your free time?一I have some hobbies like________.I ofte
试题详情 Volunteers share their skills and help people ______the neighbourhood _______dif
试题详情 I must thank Andy ________helping me so much_________my Chinese.A.with;forB.for;
试题详情 Meimei's father is a      in a restaurant.A.doctorB.teacherC.nurseD.cook
试题详情 Tomorrow will be my sister's birthday. I'll      as a present.A.give her a bookB
试题详情 – Dinner is ready. Help yourself!-- Wow! It              delicious. Could you pl
试题详情 ─      you       free next Monday?    —I'm not sure. If I have time, I'll call y
试题详情 We can see walls everywhere in the world. But the Great Wall of China is the
试题详情 Paris is a very beautiful city but I won't call it the most romantic(浪漫的)city
试题详情 A)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。【小题1】Do you know the ________ (经理)of this company ve
试题详情 B)根据句子意思及首字母填空,使得意思完整。Sakchai lives in Bangkok, the c【小题1】 of Thailand. It’s a b
试题详情 六、选词填空【小题1】I would like to ________ my toys ___________ himA.【小题2】The box ______
试题详情 七、完成句子【小题1】July 6 of this year is ______________________ (他的第49个生日)birthdayA.【小题
试题详情 Nowadays, more and more teenagers go to study in foreign countries. If you want