


A boy who was born in a rich family had lots of bad habits. His father was so1. He asked an old teacher to advise his son to keep away from his bad 2. The teacher took the son for a slow walk through a 3. Suddenly the teacher stopped and 4 the boy to pull out a small plant growing in the garden.

The boy held the plant in his hand and pulled it out 5. The old teacher then asked him to pull out a little 6 plant. The boy pulled hard and the plant came out, roots(根)and all. "Now pull out that one. "said the old teacher, pointing to a small7. The boy had to use all his strength (力气) to pull the small tree out.

"Now take this one out, "said the old teacher, pointing to a big tree. The boy held the trunk(树干) and 8to pull it out. But it would not move. "It's9 , "said the boy, out of breath with the effort.

"So it is with bad habits, "said the10. "When they are young it is easy to pull them out 11when they grow strong they cannot be pulled out. "The old man's words 12 the boy's life.

The lesson we can learn 13the story above is: Don't14for bad habits to grow in you. Correct15while you control over them, or they will control you.


