


In Sweden, September 3,1967 is remembered as "Dagen H" "H Day". It was the day on the traffic changed from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right.

The change was extremely unpopular, but it was necessary. Finland and Norway are Sweden's neighboring (country). Their drivers were already driving on the right-hand side of the road. Besides, the percentage of the Swedish driving left-hand-drive cars (be) about ninety percent then. But that type of car is more suitable for a right-side driving than a left-side driving. What's more, the number of cars on the road had increased from 500,000 to 1.5 million. The situation obviously called  a change.

On September 3, 1967, nearly all the traffic (block) on all roads from one o'clock to six o'clock in the morning. Drivers were requested (stop)at ten to five, and then they carefully changed to the right-hand side of the road, and stopped again before being (official) allowed to move at five o'clock. In Stockholm and Malmo, two of the largest cities in Sweden, the block lasted even (long) to allow workers to change all the road signs.

From the road-safety point of view, the change was worth effort. On the "H Day", only 157 small crashes were reported, of which only thirty-two caused some injuries.


