


I opened my car window and called out "Ma'am! Ma'am!" The only lady in the parking lot looked around until she saw me. "I just wanted to tell how nice you look today," I said. "The colors you have on are beautiful on you." Her face registered surprise for a second, and then she smiled. "Thank you!" she called back. Her final steps to her car seemed lighter, and I smiled to myself.

I grew up with very few cheerleaders in my own life. When I was in the middle of fighting a battle for my life, I had been confirmed depression, along with anxiety. It has taken many years and more effort and determination than I thought I was capable of recovering from this illness. With no cheerleaders in my court, I fought this battle alone. I am proud of the progress I have made thus far. There are times when I thought, if only I had had someone to hold me and say, "Susan, I believe in you. You can do this, and I'll be there every step of the way." I wonder how much sooner I would have recovered. I'll never know.

So I have made it a point in recent years to praise people, especially women and girls. Instead of just thinking that someone looks nice or did a great job, I say it out loud. It doesn't take long, and it's easy. So, I wonder, why don't more people do this? As women, we have learned from our role models to be quiet. We downplay(淡化) our own achievements even when we do receive a rare compliment(恭维). Now, when I compliment someone and she denies, I say to her, "Just say thank you."

Most women are relieved that they don't have to deny the compliment; they can accept the praise without guilt.

Cheerleading doesn't require any skills. It only takes a few seconds, although you do have to remind yourself to do it. Eventually, it becomes a habit.


